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Friday, April 24, 2015

4-24-15 post: Fear

Question/Comment: I think fear is a good thing and we need more of it. It is fear that keeps people from doing dangerous things and keeps people from being completely lawless.

Response: Fear can only exist were love and light or enlightenment are hidden. Where there is love, fear is not needed. Where there is understanding, fear is not needed. A person feeling loved and loving cannot intentionally do harm to self or others. Intentionally doing harm arises from a lack of love.

It is possible to practice sending out only loving thoughts toward others rather than reacting with fear, anger or other negative emotions. Acceptance is an extension of love and along with love is what every person needs. The younger the age when a person begins to receive love and acceptance, the less likely they are to live in fear and the more likely they are to be loving, accepting, productive people. 

Fear is often used for control by those who want power. In some religious traditions, fear has been used to make people think and act in certain ways.  A supreme being may be described who has been made into a terrorizing, revenge seeking, power hungry being who does not display love or acceptance. These types of beliefs keep people subservient and encourages people to give all of their personal power to those in control. It is a way to cut people off from direct knowing and entrainment with Source.

Fear is often used in the business and work world. Some examples of this are: people are taught to toe the line without question (no thinking or creativity or initiative allowed), to work long hours or the hours assigned to them, to accept what pay is offered, to work in unhealthy or unpleasant conditions, just so they have the privilege of having a job. Out of fear, people accept conditions that are harmful to them. Fear takes away courage, creativity, and the ability to take action.

If children were given the attention they need and taught to love and respect others, we would not need to teach them to behave just because of fear.  People who learn that they can provide for themselves and who are truly understand the harm they do to themselves and others by stealing, won’t steal. People who understand the pain they cause by violence to others will not act violently unless they have more pain than they can tolerate due to violence done to them.

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