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Sunday, April 12, 2015

4-12-15 Post: Mirrors and Entrainment

Question/Comment: I have been noticing that the things I am not proud of about myself, I keep coming across in others. I wonder, is it that prominent in my personality? Is this karma that I face the same things in others that I feel the need to change in myself? I feel sorry for the people who have to put up with me.

Response: Cut yourself some slack. Remember to love yourself and treat yourself as gently as you would treat a young child who is attempting to learn how to navigate life.  If there are things you want to change about how you interact with others and yourself, identify what it is and what you would like to replace it with.  When you find yourself feeling unhappy, angry, uncomfortable, take a look at what you are thinking. This will enable you to change your thought and recreate you situation as you are living it.

I do think that we find life and people and situations mirroring ourselves back to us.  Really, it can’t be any other way. We are vibrational beings call like vibrations to us. So, you don’t like what you are calling to yourself, change yourself...gently and lovingly.

As vibrational beings, we also experience entrainment. That is, when two different vibrations come into proximity with each other, each influences the other to change toward its vibration. They both change and together form a third, unified vibration or chord. Two examples of this in real life may help in understanding.  When two ticking grandfather clocks are side by side with their pendulums swinging at different rates, they will entrain after a while and swing in unison.  When three notes are played on a piano, say a middle C, an E and a G, they are heard as three separate sounds, but when played together, they entrain to form a cord and are heard as a different fourth sound.   

This is one reason to be mindful of how we spend our time, what we watch and what we listen to. Choose wisely.  Know that you will be influenced. Also, be mindful of how you are influencing others. Your thoughts about yourself and your feeling about yourself are also vibrations and will self-perpetuate and draw similar vibrations from outside yourself. So, be gentle, loving and accepting of yourself. Guide yourself gently in the direction you choose.


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