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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

5-5-15 Post: Aging

Question/Response: I am afraid of getting older. I think people will respect me less, my body will give out on me, my mind will no longer have a functioning brain to use and I’ll wind up being poor, maybe even homeless.

Response: Remember that what you focus on, you will create for yourself. It is very important to picture the kind of life you want for yourself. You can even begin to have a knowing of the way you will pass out of this life and what awaits you after you do. What you picture is what you will get. 

Seek out people who are aging with a positive attitude, who seek to treat their bodies with respect, who feed their bodies healthy foods, who exercise their bodies healthfully. Find a spiritual direction that feeds your soul, your mind and your emotions with positive and uplifting energy. The only thing to fear is negative energy from yourself and others. Look for  spiritual groups, or websites, or books or teachers  that can feed your soul positive energy and find how you can contribute to the well being of others.

The best way to find happiness is by emanating love and giving kindness and positive thoughts to others. Some of the best medicine can be as simple as giving a smile or a kind word, holding a door, feeding a stray dog, giving money to a charity if it does not harm you to do so, volunteering if it suits you and so on. Some people contribute just by being themselves, by being a loving presence in the world.

So a recipe of positive thinking, excellent self-care in all areas of your life and a focus on others in a positive way can lead you to making the next portion of your life the best yet. Let go of family fears and programming, negative cultural messages and your own self frightening thoughts. You have the power to choose what you think and how you feel. Using affirmations and tapping and especially a combination of both are excellent ways to focus on making positive choices.  Here is another affirmation from Louise Hay; use as is or adapt it to suit your needs. “I move beyond my parents limitations.” 

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