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Friday, May 22, 2015

5-22-15 Post: World Events

Question/Comment: I wake up with night terrors about what is happening in the world. Global warming, species being killed to extinction, melting ice caps, wars, violence, identity theft; I am afraid to leave home or interact with anyone or get on the internet. Groups of people hating other groups and passing hate legislation in their states. What is going on?

Response: You are. What you are focusing on is what you will get more of. If you are a news junkie, break the habit. Get some practical, local mental health assistance to help you change your focus. If you listen to people propagating fear, it will make you feel afraid. When you feel afraid, you will see evidence all around you that there are things to fear and you will create situations that put you in danger. Seek out news that shows what is going right in the world, politicians that are doing good things for the people, people who are helping each other and acting in loving ways. Find ways that you can be of help to others, people, animals, the environment. Change your focus away from yourself and your fears. Focus on what positive actions make you feel good while helping others.

Think about what type of people you want in your life and picture what it will be like to have such friends. You will draw them to you. Think about what type of world you want to live in, how you want people to treat others, what planetary conditions you want to see and focus on what you can do a little at a time to bring your vision to life. Maybe you can smile at someone who seems lonely, or pick up some trash you see on the street or make a small donation to an animal shelter. You decide, but do decide and take action.      

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