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Sunday, May 10, 2015

5-10-15 Post: Are limitations real?

Question/Comment: I have a sense that the limitations I believe about myself are not real. But, I don’t know how to stop limiting myself unnecessarily. Can you comment?

Response: Maybe we can say that all of our limitations are self imposed and based on beliefs. When I hear a person say, “I can’t.” What I hear is, “I won’t.” By digging a little deeper, we can always find the real reason for inaction such as fear failure, fear of repercussion for success, feeling unworthy or some other underlying belief.

It is the courageous, motivated person who will examine their fears or out dated beliefs and make changes so that they can then take action in a new direction. This course of change does not have to take immediate drastic steps unless the situation is dire or requires immediate change for some other reason. With slow deliberate consistent action, a person can release limitations and evolve into more of their potential.

How much potential does a person have? In my opinion, unlimited. If we are an outcropping of the universe and still completely a part of the universe, then don’t we have all the potential and abilities of the universe.  It is only our self image and beliefs about ourselves that limit us. We choose limitation so that we can express ourselves and function as the person we have chosen to be. For example, if a person had unlimited understanding and awareness, it may be difficult to focus on the here and now of toothbrushing or making coffee or driving down the highway.

Basically, I think we all choose which limitations to place on our selves at any given moment. The challenge is to choose intentionally and allow ourselves to release a limitation if it no longer serves us.  Many of us, it not all of us forget how to release a limitation. That is where positive affirmations, tapping, meditation and wisdom come into play.

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