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Sunday, March 29, 2015

3-29-15 post: Depression: Suicidal and Homicidal Thoughts

Question/Comments: Does depression make people kill themselves and others? Is everyone who is depressed also suicidal and homicidal?

Response: No and no. In my opinion, depression does not lead people to kill themselves nor does it lead people to kill others. Suicidal and homicidal thoughts often occur together with depression but that does not mean depression causes suicidal and homicidal thoughts.

In fact, from what I have seen, often it is thoughts that cause depression. It is true that depression runs in families, but that does not mean that it is solely biological or hereditary. While there is certainly a biochemical component to depression the thoughts and beliefs of a person are a large part of the picture. It is true that in people with depression, often there is too little of the brain chemicals, neurotransmitters, that make us feel good such as serotonin and dopamine. What comes first, negative thoughts or chemical imbalance in the brain? 

Is it such things as negative beliefs, experiences of verbal, physical, sexual abuse or neglect, or the negative depressing beliefs that people witnessed in their elders that triggers the chemical imbalance in the brain? Often we say depression is situational. That is, when things “go wrong” in life, when a loved one is no longer part of the picture, when life feels very stressful, or when life is not what we want it to be, our reactions to these situations can lead us to feeling depressed.

Almost universally, depression arises from a feeling of not being in control of our own life or of fear of going after the life we want. If a person feels stuck in a situation or feels like a victim, depression of some degree or other will arise as a result. When the situation changes or the thoughts of the person change, the depression usually dissolve. Sometimes long after the situation changes for the better, depression can still linger. The person’s thoughts or underlying beliefs may keep them stuck in depression even when life is good. 

There are also times when chemical use can cause depression. Many drugs, medications and alcohol all have the effect or side effect of causing depression. The way this happens is the body produces its own natural chemicals that attach to receptor sites in the brain triggering us to feel happy and have a feeling of well being. When the brain receives there medications, drugs and alcohol, the body stops producing its own chemicals because those receptor sites already have a chemical attached. So, when there are no medication, drugs or alcohol in the body, the receptor sites in the brain may not have anything attached to them which leads to feeling depressed. Additionally, when we think negative or depressing thoughts we also tell the body and brain to produce chemicals that trigger depression. 

When depression and despair deepen enough and the person feels hopeless enough, suicidal thoughts arise. However, it is often thoughts that have caused the depression and despair. Homicidal thoughts arise from anger not depression, but anger and depression are two sides of the same coin. When the negative thoughts are aimed at self, depression arises. When the negative thoughts are aimed outward, homicidal thoughts arise. Suicide and homicide are always a choice and are always based on thoughts and beliefs. 

There are always alternatives. There is always help available if one seeks it out. It may not come from a preferred source and it may not come immediately, but as a person’s thoughts become more positive, helpful people show. If you are feeling depressed it is important to become your own best friend, your own cheerleader, your own champion. Begin to make positive changes now, seek to see clearly, be patient with yourself and above all love and guide yourself as you would a very young child going through what you are going through.

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