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Friday, September 16, 2016

9-16-16 Post: Flow with who you are.

Question/comment:  I don’t know myself; I feel so lost and alone. Do you have any words of wisdom to help?

Response: You are not alone. Virtually everyone feels lost and alone at least once in life. Most people will set themselves aside to please or help others. We can easily get lost in fulfilling roles or expectations others have of us or we have of ourselves.

While helping others and giving to others is important, you are important, too. The feeling of being alone and abandoned may come from you having abandoned and ignored yourself and your own needs and wishes.

The key is to take time each day, at least once, to check in with yourself. Quiet time to go within is imperative to health and wellbeing. Here are some types of questions to ask yourself. 

Who am I really, at my core? How am I feeling? What do I need? What do I want? What am I running from? What do I choose to keep for myself and what do I choose to give away? How can I best take care of myself at this time? How may I also serve and have a meaningful and purposeful life? What is in my best interest? What is the deepest, most genuine part of me telling me?

You must absolutely take care of yourself and then give to others from your overflow of good, abundance and inner peace. 

However, when you have a child, incapacitated person or animal who is dependent on you, I believe you must absolutely meet your obligation to that being and do your best for them. The important issue is to do so without depleting or abandoning yourself.

How do you do that? Ask for help! In addition to checking in with yourself, ask for help. If you are overwhelmed or don’t have the resources to take care of yourself and your genuine obligations, ask for help. 

Changing your thinking will also lead you to less stressful, less dire circumstances if you find yourself in such a situation. It bears repeating, always check in with yourself. 

What do you need? How are you feeling? What do you really want? Are you fulfilling someone else’s expectations rather than following your own inner leading? 

Do you have positive expectations, do you believe that the needed resources and help will come? Do you believe that you can remember who you really are? Do you believe you can take excellent care of yourself and fulfill your life’s path?

Remember we literally influence the world around us from the smallest subatomic particles to the grandest expressions of life. What you expect is what you will see manifest in your life. So, what do you choose to create for yourself?

As Louise Hay teaches, loving yourself is the basis for everything healthy and positive in life. Facing yourself in the mirror several times a day and reminding yourself that you love, appreciate and approve of yourself exactly as you are here and now will assist you trusting yourself. When you trust yourself, you can know who you are and receive all the good life has to offer.

So, who are you? What do you want? What do you need right now?

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