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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

11-3-15 Post: What would if feel like to be supported by life?

Commentary: It is important for each of us to engage in an ongoing process of choosing what we want for ourselves and picturing it happening. The desires we have for good things do not come by accident. Our core selves lead us toward our destiny and urge us toward our individual path. It is very important that we each allow ourselves to receive the good that is waiting to come our way. We must each know that we deserve our good no matter what we may have been lead to believe to the contrary and no matter what mistakes or failures we believe we have committed in the past.

I challenge you to begin to picture a world, a life, where your are loved, guided, and supported in all ways at all times. You still have the freedom to choose. Being offered guidance and support does not meant you are an automaton.  You have choice, always. If you refuse to accept guidance because you feel rebellious ask yourself what purpose rebellion serves. Usually rebellion happens when someone is attempting to push us away from our personal destiny not when we are being guided toward it. But rebellion can become a habit, a badge of honor. 

Do you fear giving away your power if you accept support? No one can take your power from you. Listening with an open mind will not make you weaker. Do you feel guilty and undeserving? Shower your mistakes with love and forgiveness. Allow light to shine on them and heal all concerned. Forgive yourself and forgive others. As healing occurs, everyone will be uplifted. Self recrimination and self punishment can only hinder the work we are each here to accomplish. We are here to receive and share the love and clarity that is ours by Divine Right. It is our most basic nature and our most basic duty. 

It is not just a metaphysical saying that what we picture, think about and say is what we will attract to ourselves. This is basic science. Vibrations entrain with each other. Like attracts like and then blends and enhances. When two notes are played on a musical instrument at the same time, they blend and form a chord. A person who displays anger and irritation, will influence the mood of people s/he comes across who perceive the negative emotions and then react to them. Even if this process takes place on an entirely unconscious level, it will happen each and every time.

If a person walks down a crowded street focusing on the Oneness and God-ness of everyone and everything, people will react to that vibrational output. If s/he walks through a crowd intentionally emitting feelings of love and approval, people will react to that in kind. Begin to ask yourself what kind of world you choose to be a part of. For anyone who does not want to live in a happy, loving, supportive world, is it time to stop the self-punishment and the punishment of others? Is it time to stop the pain? Is it time to replace pain with feeling good, light and happy? What do you choose? You are a very powerful being; you have the power, the choice. Right here, right now.

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