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Monday, January 11, 2016

1-11-16 Post: When do I have to consider myself old?

Question/comment: Everywhere I turn I get messages that I’m old. I don’t feel old and I don’t appreciate others attempting to limit me by their beliefs in old age. Although, I must say, I do appreciate senior discounts.

Response: Something I learned from Dr. Wayne Dyer’s 2016 calendar: Never let an old person inhabit your body. How you think will definitely determine how you live your life. If you believe you can’t, you won’t even try. If you believe you can, more than likely you will. 

Will you do a thing at age 70 the same way you did it at age 30? Probably not. That doesn’t mean what you do is not as good; it is just different. Leave out the criticism and judgmental attitude. If you want to travel, travel. If you want to dance, dance. If you want to start a new business or a new relationship, start it. No one can limit you but you. 

Accepting assistance from others is not admitting inability to function independently. If someone offers you help, take it. Maybe their perception of you as old spurs them to make the offer but accepting their kindness does not make you old. By accepting the offer, you are simply allowing love to come to you. 

You can even make clear to the person, that you could manage on your own, but it is so delightful to receive such a kind gesture that you would never turn it down. Everything is in the interpretation. Appreciation is everything.

If you feel youthful, you will be. If you love yourself, feel gratitude and take the best possible care of yourself that you can (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically), then you will have a life of joy regardless of age. Let love, joy and kindness flow to you from you and others. Life can be more and more joyous the longer we live.

If your body has a difficulty it did not have at a younger age, love it even more. Take even better care of your body and be gentle with it. Don’t push and demand a performance from your body causing damage and pain. Lovingly appreciate your body for what it can do and focus on that.   

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