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Thursday, October 15, 2015

10-15-15 Post: You are what you believe you are.

Question/Comment: Is it true that I am a magnet for what I think, say and believe? Have I really brought my current circumstances to myself? Can I really intentionally make changes to my self and my life?

Response: Why not conduct an experiment to answer these questions for yourself? Choose a particular situation, condition or relationship and decide how you want it to be different. Then create at least ten affirmations stating the situation, condition or relationship the way you want it to be. Take time several times a day to say these affirmations to yourself while looking in the mirror. 

Also write or type these affirmations at least ten times at least twice a day. At least three times per day allow yourself at least ten minutes to imagine your future when your desired changes are a fact. Really give this experiment honest effort and don’t sabotage yourself. Create a schedule for yourself to allow time and space for the exercises.

Let the results of your effort take shape without trying to control the process or the outcome. Really put your time and energy into this experiment and expect to be delighted with the results. Then let me know what happens.

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